It was one of those days. Or well, mornings. I had wasted 17 whole minutes searching between every lego, marble, and other things which I won't mention, for one bobby pin of any shape or size. Finally, I found one twisted in the corner of the art bin. Don't ask me how it got there. This shows my desperation level. I ran to the bathroom mirror. The hair pin, if you could call it that, promptly as if on cue, slipped out of my exausted hand and fell right down the sink drain.
Now sit for a moment and imagine this. Me, staring down the drain with a pathetic expression, longing for my well-earned reward...Alright. now stop thinking about that. Real fast. ;) Now, as i would, i started thinking about how that mistreated hair pin, may have been relieved to go. Maybe it felt that it's time was right. i could've helped it out. Perhaps it was sitting, all twisted, waiting for someone to take it out of its misery. Maybe it needed to break away from its current art bin enviroment, to bigger and better places. Maybe when hair pins turn 14 they get to go down 'the drain'. Upon thinking these thoughts, I concluded two things: 1. I'm good at making myself feel better when I make stupid mistakes, and 2. I'm completely insane.
After i had exhausted my mind with such intense thinking, i started out on the journey to find a replacement pin. No, I did not start chucking all of my hair pins down the drain, because when I found a whole stash of them under 'the hair box' 5 minutes later, I knew they were still happy where they were. :) They had already learned that going down 'the drain' wasn't all that. They too once moped in art bins, waiting...
It was at this time that i quickly decided that the reason I couldn't hold on to hair pins was not fate, but merely lack of sleep. I set my alarm for 9:45 and took a little nap...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Just for Terk

Terk is offically the rockin'est (great word? yeah i know, right) character ever to be displayed on disney. For those of you that don't listen to Tarzan in one ear, and songs about rain in the other every day after school waiting for tikla to take you home, Terk is the sarcastic, side kick of Tarzan. He is hilarious. All these kid movies that I watched when I were younger, I grew out of before I could fully understand some of the humor. now they're so fresh and new again. They just don't make good movies anymore...wait. no. can i take that back? 'Bridge to Tarabithia' beats Tarzan by a little more than an elephant hair. ;) Ahhhh...what I need right now is to drown in some nice, cool, blue, wet, pourin', rain. (im not in the mood for creative adjectives)
The sun just shone a little brighter.
Oh how it mocks.
How disgusting...though not as disgusting as my nasty, wet, sweat filled, just-finished-Judo, hair. It is so beautiful I can hardly stop staring at it. Although i must say, terk's hairdo is right up there too. Nah, I think I've got the edge...He's pulling a close 2nd place. :P
i have a confession to make. And here it is. I was halfway through writing a negative, grumpy, post, and then i read caroline's latest post about being happy and i kinda had to start over with terk, and remind myself to stop being a jerk. whoa! unintentional rhymes happening! I better stop soon. :S
I know you've been waiting for this.--Tor's thought for the day: "Never sit by madison at firesides about BYU-H unless you have already experienced the unexpected sensation of having your elbow 'milked'." (It'd be best not to inquire...=)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The good, the bad, and the terrible
So there's this thing. It's called 14 and up. It's not cool. at all. There's this other thing. It's called a dance. It can also be called April 13. But more importantly it's called 14 and up.
Alright, alright, alright, so I gave up trying to tell tik and sky that I didn't want to go. Even when I heard what the theme was. *ahem* Being 13 is annoying. Just in case nobody knew that yet. Only 159 more days. Oh well. No need to cry about things that you can't change. You know like age, and spilled milk. Whatever. A while ago I read this thing in my math textbook (you know, light reading;) that I thought you might enjoy, if not as much as I did, at least a little. The chapter heading is: Transforming Quadratic Functions. Then below it it says: "Why learn this?" (my question exactly) it proceeds to answer itself: "You can compare how long it takes raindrops to reach the ground from different heights." Yipee! Honestly, can that really be considered practical application? I mean, I've always wanted to compare raindrops and everything...Hey, that's it! During the dance, I'll stay home and measure raindrops! ugh...I hate math. While I'm at it I hate athens greece, homework, CPR, and cute people... you know what I realized? i'm totally pro at crying over spilled milk. Maybe if I stop pouring milk I wouldn't have to worry about it spilling.
Now, before I go to my glorious math class, I'd like to leave you drowning in my deepness, basking in my wisdom, and wanting more.
Tori's thought fer the day: "Don't even buy milk, you might just pour it, and then you might spill it, and have something to cry about."
Deeeep. And now Dooone.
Alright, alright, alright, so I gave up trying to tell tik and sky that I didn't want to go. Even when I heard what the theme was. *ahem* Being 13 is annoying. Just in case nobody knew that yet. Only 159 more days. Oh well. No need to cry about things that you can't change. You know like age, and spilled milk. Whatever. A while ago I read this thing in my math textbook (you know, light reading;) that I thought you might enjoy, if not as much as I did, at least a little. The chapter heading is: Transforming Quadratic Functions. Then below it it says: "Why learn this?" (my question exactly) it proceeds to answer itself: "You can compare how long it takes raindrops to reach the ground from different heights." Yipee! Honestly, can that really be considered practical application? I mean, I've always wanted to compare raindrops and everything...Hey, that's it! During the dance, I'll stay home and measure raindrops! ugh...I hate math. While I'm at it I hate athens greece, homework, CPR, and cute people... you know what I realized? i'm totally pro at crying over spilled milk. Maybe if I stop pouring milk I wouldn't have to worry about it spilling.
Now, before I go to my glorious math class, I'd like to leave you drowning in my deepness, basking in my wisdom, and wanting more.
Tori's thought fer the day: "Don't even buy milk, you might just pour it, and then you might spill it, and have something to cry about."
Deeeep. And now Dooone.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Short, sweet, but really no point.
So I did it.
No going back now.
Tori's thought for the day: "Stupidity, obviously is never enough. One always needs a way to show it to the world."
Beautiful. And so true. :D
To whom it may concern: In my desperate atempts to have a "thing" that's just me, I concocted something no one else would ever have or want for themselves, and dubed myself 'the girl who rocks your socks' Over the last few years, or rather, months, that I have been a 13ager, I have been self-dubed 'burnt toast' among other bizarre phrases. So, my idenity is continually changing. I just thought I'd can get confusing.
Now I am waiting for my muse to come and whisper in my ear. It seems he is already on spring break. :)
I guess this is my first post.
No going back now.
Tori's thought for the day: "Stupidity, obviously is never enough. One always needs a way to show it to the world."
Beautiful. And so true. :D
To whom it may concern: In my desperate atempts to have a "thing" that's just me, I concocted something no one else would ever have or want for themselves, and dubed myself 'the girl who rocks your socks' Over the last few years, or rather, months, that I have been a 13ager, I have been self-dubed 'burnt toast' among other bizarre phrases. So, my idenity is continually changing. I just thought I'd can get confusing.
Now I am waiting for my muse to come and whisper in my ear. It seems he is already on spring break. :)
I guess this is my first post.
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