So I did it.
No going back now.
Tori's thought for the day: "Stupidity, obviously is never enough. One always needs a way to show it to the world."
Beautiful. And so true. :D
To whom it may concern: In my desperate atempts to have a "thing" that's just me, I concocted something no one else would ever have or want for themselves, and dubed myself 'the girl who rocks your socks' Over the last few years, or rather, months, that I have been a 13ager, I have been self-dubed 'burnt toast' among other bizarre phrases. So, my idenity is continually changing. I just thought I'd can get confusing.
Now I am waiting for my muse to come and whisper in my ear. It seems he is already on spring break. :)
I guess this is my first post.
haha. dude i love the blog. tori you are like a blog-ette. its sorta like a dude-ette but instead of dude you have the word blog!
ok that was really weird. haha.
lubbbbbbbbbbbb ya.
awesome!! "blog-ette" I like that. Add that to my list of bizarre idenities. hahaha. love you. thanx for commenting!!! you rock!
no, no, wait! you mountain!!
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