A wolf in sheep's clothing.
A rusty knight in shinning armor.
A jar labeled 'delicious' that expired 3 years ago.
Confusion is following me around in the strangest forms. I never know what to think, I never know what to believe. So I choose not to think, and spend my time here...:)
People are so hard to get along with. The natural man is completely self-centered. Sometimes I wish we didn't have so many complicated emotions. You can never tell what a person is really feeling, unless they tell you and even then you can't be sure...especially when guys start acting like girls. Life can get even more confusing. Yes, that is possible. I wish I could have everyone in my life stand up and say how they feel about me. That way I'm not in this struggle to decipher what I should do and how I should act for different people. At this time, I don't care if the whole world hates me...I just want to know what people really think. The same people that I think are out to get me, use me, and hate my guts, will surprise me with something so opposite that it makes me wonder again...this life is so confusing. I guess it's supposed to be. Slowly, I'm hoping, things will unroll and there will be no more gray, just black and white. So that we can be so sure if something is to be, or not to be.
rock on.
boy troubles tori?
yes, i agree that life can be confusing and you can never know for sure whether people are being honest. i believe that actions speak louder than words and people DO what they mean opposed to saying it.
i don't know if that helps any...i hope that you get less confused!!
ps: cranking up the radio/cd player/ipod to as loud as i can stand it and then getting lost in the music always helps me. ;)
hahahaha...nah, just girl troubles...even worse.
Music rocks...:)
girl troubles?
good luck with that one sista!
oh, but i have something to add::
yes, i do believe that emotions are confusing, and oftentimes VERY annoying...and perhaps the natural man is completely self-centered. but i also believe that emotions are 100% completely necessary and that we should enjoy them. what is happiness without sadness...or calmness without chaos?
so i guess what i am trying to say is that i would choose this confusing, chaotic, annoying life with emotions (and hope that people were being honest. seriously, i HOPE) instead of being a zombie. because in my world...zombies are the ultimate result of lifeless beings...haha
so wait...lifeless...that makes me a zombie!
long comment
fun fun fun
haha good point there. I wouldn't want to be a zombie. or live with them for that matter....comment anytime tay, I like yours! :)
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