What a strange world we live in. insane more like. but what would we be without the trauma and chaos? Nothing. A big nothingness blob. crazy, huh? We all thrive on conflict. Everything we enjoy involves conflict. Movies, friendships, and the stories we read and write…all the plots are based around conflict. We listen to sad songs, we love getting scared, we laugh when others get hurt or embarass themselves. Talk about strange! Nothing on this planet is consistent, nothing is perfect, yet we all think that somehow, the third time we try we’ll get just what the doctor ordered. We fail embarrassingly only to remember that of course perfection is impossible.
Risk leads to loss. Hope leads to tears.
50% of the time.
No patterns. No maps. Only a song in your head and a prayer in your heart will keep you alive.
That global warming presentation must be getting to my head…;)

inconsistancy is ALWAYS consistant.
just like change is inevitable... except from a vending machine. ;)
hahaha, that's a knee slapper worthy of Jocelyn
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