Friday, June 29, 2007
High School Musical
I saw some amazing musicals this past week. Thoroughly Modern Millie, Zombie Prom, and High School Musical! :D It was pretty well done for a play that originally is a movie...I was impressed. Obviously they had unlimited budget, because the set and effects were awesome, but what cracked me up the most was how the costumes were identical to the ones worn by zac, and vanesssa themselves! Ryan was by far the most talented (and best looking ;) but they all played their part well. Bop to the top was almost exactly like lucas and ashley did it, and I had a fun time pretending like I could do "so much better" if it were me and being the constant, most likely obnoxious, commenter breathing in my mom's ear, explaining why they changed certain things, or why gabriella changed dresses for no apparent reason. It's a good thing she has two teenage daughters, eh? :) I hope everyone in Saipan is doing alright...I heard something about broom hockey? Sounds pretty dangerous...i hope Joe survived it all. :D

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Broom hockey?
oooookaaaaaay I missed that one.
Miss you like crazy beautiful girl.
don't worry tori. it was girls only on broom hockey. joe wasn't harmed! of course, the guys played bball so i don't know if the previous statement is exactly correct!
glad to know that you are enjoying yourself. i am sure that you would do a much much MUCH better and more original job on High School Musical. =]
hey! i just found out you weren't coming back until the 17th! and all this time i thought it was the 4th. danggit! still miss ya!!
you have to keep missing me all over again! haha
Yay for High school musical! Yeah I still haven't seen that movie. Our rival school timberline, did it as their spring musical this year and apparently to say it in a nice way.....it was stupid! I can't say that for myself though, I was in the middle of being a very important extra in beauty and the beast at my school so I had more important things to do than to watch them..heh...heh...yeah! All girl broom hockey? That sounds really dangerous but wicked sweet at the same time!
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