Well, I'm in computer class right now. lol. i finished the assignment already, (Insert Clip Art Chapter 3) so it's all good. It's a three hour class on Friday, so it's not my favorite class ever, but my teacher is nice, and lets me email and blog when I'm done. :P This dude next to me has been on myspace the WHOLE time. LoL. He's "not ashamed"! The teacher walks by and he doesn't even minimize it. :P He's got in trouble 3 times now. I wonder what he's name is...lol Sorry if this is random, and makes no sense, I'm kind of out of order right now because I was up last night cutting paper and sweeping up glitter that was all over the kitchen floor. My hands ache from cutting hearts. Last night me and Skylar made a pinata that is suppoesdly shaped like a heart. (haha, get it? we're going to break the heart! ha.ha.ha.) Just imagine that it's a heart, okay?
Everyone better come to the dance, cuz I stink at hitting pinatas even without a blindfold. (I'll bring a camera taylor just in case it's just us...haha) ;) How does Emelaine do this every other month? :o She's amazing. *sigh*
two words: the decorations rocked!
whoops, that was three. i swear i didn't do it on purpose. LOL.
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