Thursday, April 30, 2009

hurry up and wait

Sunday, April 26, 2009

<3 ? :D ! ;) <3 :) :P :0 :D ! ;) :S :P ? <3

So there's this world, right?

And there's this song.

And there's this feeling.

And there are homemade chocolate chip cookies...

Oh, and then there's you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


You caught me off-guard.
Now I'm running and screaming.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Sometimes something can be so terrible that it becomes humorous. That's kinda how I view parts of my life right now.

I used to say I was trapped. But now I know that it's not just that. I'm cursed. Literally cursed.

Curses are rare. They are only cast so often. They are ancient and magical, so they are occasionally envied. But I don't enjoy being cursed. How or why I've been cursed, I have no idea. I could be a better person, I know. I could speak kinder, I could love my enemies better, I could be more respectful, I could be smarter, work harder, read my scriptures, I could be more honest, and I could be more obedient. There's a lot I could be doing. I could also lie more, yell more, cuss more, hurt more, give up more, disobey more, steal more, entertain a bad attitude more, and I could insult and gossip more. That is something I can choose. I can even choose to do nothing at all. Make no change, and stay as I am. Which is at present, "good enough."

Seems pretty basic.
But not if you're cursed. Just like anyone else, when I make a choice, it affects many people. The simplest choice I make will effect myself and anyone I know. The simplest words said, or movements made, could affect the thousands of grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren who will live after me. That is pretty motivating. At least for me. Yeah, yeah, we know that. Okay, but just because it makes sense logically, or because the right choices are so obvious per se, doesn't make them easy. It is still hard, and we still need the encouragement and recognition for doing the right thing.

There are sweet things in life.
Sweet, sweet, things, that nobody should miss out on. That I have often missed out on.

But back to my curse. As curses are rare, I can't explain all the details of it. But bad luck haunts me. I read the directions, I follow them word for word, but because I didn't feel a certain way while I was reading them, it comes out wrong. That is my curse. My curse deals with maybe. Lots of maybes. Yes is hardly ever yes for long. My curse lets me believe in something magical and then takes it away. My curse requires a good attitude as often as possible. My curse is not quite eternal, but I expect it to linger for three more years. My curse is the result of a flawed perception. My curse is inevitable. My curse is viciously polite. I hate my curse. But the only way to destroy it, is to love it.

And I can't.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


And then there was a bang and everyone scattered.
Reflecting sketches of blue, creating wider azure skies.
The echos of sense long since faded.
Five pages later,
I know.

Haven't I always known?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

this <3 won't stop laughing

Call me crazy, but right now I wouldn't mind drowning in a rainy whirlwind of flawless imperfection topped with strawberry cheesecake icecream, all the while floating precariously, rafting on a guitar through this white water with Safetysuit blasting in my ears.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Notes to self:

Step outside the box.
Address the situation.
Address everyone else's situation.
Be you.
Don't lie.
Don't lie.
Don't lie.
Be sincere.
Do what you love.
Be you.
Be you.
Don't lie.
Don't lie.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I hate it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
Grr. :'(


There are my negative words for the day.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mmm. Rain. :)

When I look at the stars I feel like myself.

The band that changed my life

And we're dreaming out loud.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You just can't help it, can you?

I'm posting this mostly for Tik. Haha.

Our internet connection at home is still being LAME.
So Skylar and I brought the laptop to IT&E to get it reconfigured and junk. There was this guy there who was eating peanuts. :P When the computer started up and he saw the picture on our desktop, the two of us had a very interesting exchange which I will recapitulate here:

The Dude: "Oh. Is that Fergie?"


Me: "Uhhh, what?"

The Dude: "That's Fergie? You know, the singer?"


Me: "No...That's my sister."

So that was funny. Austin will be marrying Fergie this summer. Lol.
Next time we bring the laptop in I'm going to put a picture of Jesse McCartney and then when he asks tell him it's my brother. Lol.

Oh. By the way, I really need some good luck today, so everyone cross your fingers for me.