and it's all your fault taylor!

What was that about the ballroom dancing class I asked about
It was all I thought about but you were sailing
We might get a chance to talk
And talk might lead to dance
And maybe dance might lead to dates
Dates and aging
Hope you let your intuition
Proceed my reputation
Cuz I have one
Well I am what you see
I am not what they say
But if I turned out to be
Could you love me anyway
Standing in none of this hope
In your heart
Will just wake up and ask for me by name
Maybe some day will ask for me by name
Just not today
It was all I thought about but you were sailing
We might get a chance to talk
And talk might lead to dance
And maybe dance might lead to dates
Dates and aging
Hope you let your intuition
Proceed my reputation
Cuz I have one
Well I am what you see
I am not what they say
But if I turned out to be
Could you love me anyway
Standing in none of this hope
In your heart
Will just wake up and ask for me by name
Maybe some day will ask for me by name
Just not today
alright, I'm already over him. he doesn't smile enough.
he is SOOO fine!!
and if you aren't hooked, less competition for me!
ahh!! tori too!! yay! if we were lame, we could form a fan club.
all in favor of being lame?? :P:P
who is this guy??
nvm. i just realized that he is the guy that sings the song underneath the picture... haha. blonde moment. his looks kinda creeps me out, though his song is pretty good.
his looks aren't creepy! have to youtube "tyler hilton on one tree hill" and you'll see him smile :D
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