I am busy, but I'm choosing not to be. ;) Familar? Well, I don't have college applications, or end of semester finals or anything, but I have pages of lines to memorize, catch-up work, and I'm a secret santa for 5 people. :P Ive got a service person, and a present person in my family, then there's my seminary person, then the seminay tables are doing something for someone, and then we drew names for our extended family too...:S Christmas=Service. I am going to be wearing an apron and pulling out cookies all season! :D Joy to the world. Well, Ive looked at all the things that I should be doing and I decided that the fact thatI havent updated for a long time should be #1 on my priority list. So here I am.
Oh, and I really miss snow. I know I've been on saipan for almost three winters, and I'm not dieing for some freezing weather, but I mean christmas without snow? It's hard to get into the spirit of it fast enough. But the best thing about christmas, is getting away with wearing green and red together! :P And you know, all of this 'service' I've got going for me should help. ;)
Good luck old people, with your applies and junk. :) Happy Christmas!
thanks tor!
if you ever need to talk about horrific group projects ;] you can always talk to me. i think you're doing great so far!
cowgirls unite!! same red rimmed cowboy hat, same plastic sherrif's badge, same white shirt tucked into the same jean skirt hiked up to the armpits...LOL
your christmas sounds like a ton of fun!! remember, don't forget that secret something for that speical someone...we should be getting a paper soon as another reminder. hehe
Hey!sounds like your pretty busy! also sounds like a lot of fun, sorry i havent replied to your e-mail yet, its coming soon! Snow? oh yyeeeessss, i know all about snow, theres tons of it out in my yard right now, fun fun! lol its soo awesome! snowball fights, snowmen, the works. If i'm making you jelous, im sorry, BUT YOU SHOULD BE! i love snow! its like its finally going to be a real christmas, oh wow, im getting ahead of myself, this is starting to look like and e-mail,
-20 here!
derek: tell jocelyn to email me or at least facebook. :]
thanks for everything taylor! We are the coolest cowgirls ya ever saw, y'all! :D
Thanks taylor! haha, I now know who I can be sure will listen to my complaints! And then promptly agree by saying, "yeah, I hate group projects too. Too bad we don't know how to handle them..." :D Oh, and I wonder who your secret santa is...? lol :P
he lives!! ;)
well, well, well, derek if it makes you happy, I AM jealous...but at least I don't have to shovel snow off of my driveway before school everyday! :D I definetely don't miss that. I miss the sledding, the hot cocoa, and just how pretty it looks!! Man, now I'm really jealous! hahaha, hurry up with that email. or else. ;)
what an empty threat...
by the way, sorry people I'll update, I haven't had the chance until now.
did i really thank you that many times, taylor? lol sorry.
i liked being thanked!
you're welcome! ;]
yes. please update!! =]
thanks for the fish
break a leg tonight, tor!! you will be fabulous!! :D:D
oh, and when it's all over, update!!
haha :P
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