Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Just one of those random songs that I LOVE for a while :)
We keep our love in a plain brown box
We keep it tied with a simple lock
We hold it close 'cause it's all we got
We think it's ordinary but it's not
In a world that's starting to fade
A little love could pave the way
Don't keep it tied with the simple lock
You think it's ordinary but it's not
Maybe this life is just about love and tenderness
If all we are are shooting stars
Maybe we, we can fight
All of this pain and loneliness if
All we are are shooting stars
Tired of hearing 'bout the bling-bling
We're so concered with material things
It's all cars and diamond rings
And do you think it's gonna to ease your sting
Cause that's a hole that you can't fill
Velvet rope overkill
Free your mind let your heart sing
And just remember that they're only things
Maybe this life is just about love and tenderness
If all we are are shooting stars
Maybe we, we can fight
All of this pain and loneliness if
All we are are shooting stars
I used to live by the minute
I was too blind to see
Now I've found the strength to admit it
Now it's all I believe
Friday, December 21, 2007
Where are you Christmas?
Speaking of Christmas, my dad wrote an editorial for the newspaper and I thought I'd share it here:
A Season of Faithfulness
Surely, it is appropriate to wish faithfulness to spouse for all during this holiday season. I deeply respect the individual who, like my own father, proves loyal to his/her spouse to the end. I raise my hat to those who have committed related mistakes but have made things right and have permanently changed their ways, especially when genuine contrition accompanies the change. My father successfully taught me to worry more about what God thinks about my mistakes than what people might feel or say. Marriage is special not only because it is a covenant made with a person, but also because it is made before God. We promise that we will be true even when it gets bad. Barring obvious abuse, we vow to hang in there and help each other with problems. We know that it is not supposed to be easy and we keep our vows. “I fell out of love” is among the poorest excuses for breaking this covenant. Love should never be something that we hope will keep somehow happening to us; it is something that we need to keep doing. With this in mind, “I fell out of love” becomes an admission of guilt, not something that our partner is or isn't. I keep hearing stories of waste and heartbreak that occur because of the breaking of this covenant. If we don't believe wedlock involves a promise to God, then let's not mock and pretend it does at the time of marriage. My holiday wish to all is that we strengthen our commitment to the promises we make at marriage. If it means caring more about what God thinks of us, then let it be so. If it means simply being true to promises we make, then let that be the reason. However we do it, let's take control of our lives and make our short season on Earth a faithful one.
Dr. E. Roland Brown
Dandan, Saipan
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I fell out of the blogger loop there for a bit
Now I appoligize, but I'm scared to say it will never happen again. :P
It will.
I'm sure everyone can relate to forgetting about things, and a blog is one of the worst things to neglect, ever! Cuz it's, like, sooooooo important!
Well, so is family, and so is decorating your shoes for Seminary christmas shoe day! :D It's interesting to watch what I naturally put first if i dont make any sort of plan (which I never do...): Stay up and read Ella Enchanted for the 1789th time, or sleep so that I can wake up for seminary? Ella, all the way! Finish my geometery homework, or listen to music while I blog? BLOG! Clean my room or die of boredom? BOREDOM!
Such is life.
In between play rehearsals and cookie baking/delivering, I managed to have the time to sit back and realize that some wierd, wired, weird, and werid, things are happening:
-the twins are 8, and therefore are getting baptized and joining cub scouts and etc. (when I was their age I was SO old. Slightly scary how old that makes me feel now.)
-there are only 6 more days until Christmas! :D AHHH! better start shopping people! :S
-next semester I'm planning on taking classes at NMC (aka nothern marianas COLLEGE)
-our family will celebrate christmas without tikla, and with an additional 4 koreans
-starr bought the same thing for herself at dolphin yesterday that I bought for her for christmas! :S:S:S:S
-I'm not quite sure, but I'm under the impression that I will be singing in several different places songs I may not have practiced more than once. (p.s. when and where is that youth choir thing?!?)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Carrie Enchanted
the best movie of the month, and the best singer of the year! I thought it was a cute idea...;)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
it's a magic time of the year
Oh, and I really miss snow. I know I've been on saipan for almost three winters, and I'm not dieing for some freezing weather, but I mean christmas without snow? It's hard to get into the spirit of it fast enough. But the best thing about christmas, is getting away with wearing green and red together! :P And you know, all of this 'service' I've got going for me should help. ;)
Good luck old people, with your applies and junk. :) Happy Christmas!

Monday, November 19, 2007
Beware of pride
No, I'm kidding.
I have no idea how many more days until my birthday. :P
29 more days until christmas! Yes. Are you beginning to feel the chilly winter air? Jack frost nipping at your side? Fire up those chimneys. Get those chestnuts roasting. ;)
Actually, I'm going to freeze to death this season because I'm visiting korea for a couple weeks in the coldest month one could go. I am excited though, it will be a refreshing change for a while. Not just the temperature, but an escape from the monotonous rhythm of every day. However, in the meantime there are lots of other things i have to deal with before i can go. First of all, I managed to involve myself in two thespian productions. One that is supposedly opening on friday, har har (as in 4 days) and the other on the second weekend in december. UGH. Kill me now. Then, there's people being puzzling and doing confusing things all around me....
Ok, I have a question for all you smart people out there:
Why is it easy to be mean to someone when it hurts you and them, but it's hard to be mean to someone when it is for the better?
A penny for your comment? Make it a really good witty answer, please. :)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
nothing is real til it's gone
Buried beneath all the lies
And I stood at a distance
To feel who you are
Hiding myself in your eyes
Hold on before it's too late
Until we leave this behind
Don't fall just be who you are
It's all that we need in our lives
And the risk that might break you
Is the one that would save
A life you dont live is still lost
So stand on the edge with me
Hold back your fear and see
Nothing is real til it's gone
Hold on before its too late
Until we leave this behind
Don't fall just be who you are
It's all that we need in our lives
So live like you mean it
Love til you feel it
It's all that we need in our lives
So stand on the edge with me
Hold back your fear and see
Nothing is real til it's gone
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm hooked...

It was all I thought about but you were sailing
We might get a chance to talk
And talk might lead to dance
And maybe dance might lead to dates
Dates and aging
Hope you let your intuition
Proceed my reputation
Cuz I have one
Well I am what you see
I am not what they say
But if I turned out to be
Could you love me anyway
Standing in none of this hope
In your heart
Will just wake up and ask for me by name
Maybe some day will ask for me by name
Just not today
alright, I'm already over him. he doesn't smile enough.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
i know this is dorky, and cheesy, and immature, and weird, and cheesy, and pathetic, and pathetic, and lame, and chessy, but...I'm posting it anyway!
Did i mention emo and pathetic?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
forgiveness is always right. so there skylar.
Monday, October 15, 2007
(extremely) belated dance pictures
I just have the last 10 or so pictures that I took. They're not really worth posting, but why not?
(we missed you madison!!!!)
rock those shoes!
hold still!
cute in pairs
handsome alone
*sigh* go to college joe....:P
ok maryana...let me hold the camera.
there we go! (i guess)
THE AFTER PARTY! (hahaha...)
"to swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts.
e.g: the ym gulped down rootbeer.
Oh yes, hold it right there! Just be careful not to--
hahaha! a 'soft-serve' stache!
I can't WAIT for youth conference! :) More good times to come. :P Come people, okay? Don't be ditching youth conference...seriously not cool. don't upset me.
oh yeah, rock on.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
dance like nobody's watching

I know I always made a big deal about dances, but I wasn't expecting anything that special on Friday. I just wanted to be there. Just to be able to say I could be there...=D
As it turned out the dance was, for lack of a better word, AWESOME! It rocked both of my socks off! Everything and everyone looked so good. There was that episode when Marystar shoved me on the floor and broke my bracelet, but you know, things happen. For my first, hahahahahahahaha! *ahem* sorry, my first dance, it was probably the best one I've ever been to. I mean, that I've not been to. ;) Yeah, I've decided there's no need to start counting down to 15. I'm old enough to last me a year. :) rock on!
Pictures are coming--Stay tuned!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
It made me cry, so I had to share
Turn me inside out
Everything shines
But leaves me empty still
And I'll, burn this lonely house down
If you run with me
If you run with me
I'll stay with you
The walls will fall before we do
Take my hand now
We'll run forever
I can feel the storm inside you
I'll stay with you
Fooled by my own desires
I twist my fate
Just to feel you
But you, turn me toward the light
And you're one with me
Will you run with me?
I'll stay with you
The walls will fall before we do
Take my hand now
We'll run forever
I can feel the storm inside you
I'll stay with you
Now come in from this storm
I taste you sweet and warm
Take what you need
Take what you need
From me
Wake up this world
Wake up tonight
And run with me
Run to me now
I'll stay with you
The walls will fall before we do
Take my hand now
We'll run forever
I can feel the storm inside you
I'll stay with you
Sunday, September 30, 2007
me no dum
10. It's usually worth the trouble.
9. If you bring it, they want it.
8. Sharing mascara is kinda creepy. i don't.
7. It's really hard to remember your cues when Richelle, John, and Kyle are laughing/snorting/sneezing backstage.
6. BEWARE: Some desks are never reliable.
5. Some people have a hard time understanding sarcasm.
4. Too Much Candy is definetely possible.
3. When someone forgets their line, don't say theirs and then yours, because then you're having a conversaton with yourself. that never works.
1. French fries are NOT romantic.
0. No matter who says they are.
-1. When in doubt, don't ask.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Up the Up Escalator
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Obsessions of a 14-year-old
Saturday, September 15, 2007
You know you're from Utah when...
You know what Fry Sauce is made of.
You go to the duck pond to feed the Seagulls.
Green Jell-o with cabbage mixed in doesn't seem strange.
The U is not just a letter - Neither is the Y.
You have actually eaten funeral potatoes.
You've gotten both heat and frost burns off your car's door handle in the same month!
You are not surprised to hear words like "Darn, Fetch, Flip", "Oh, My Heck" and "Shoot".
Your tulips get snowed on three times after they come up and twice more after they bloom.
The largest liquor store is the state government.
You can go skiing and play golf on the same day.
30% humidity is muggy and almost unbearable.
You know the difference between a 'Steak House' an d a 'Stake House'.
You've broken down on the highway and somebody stops to help you.
You can see the stars at night.
You were an aunt or uncle before you were three.
You have more children than you can find biblical names for.
Your family considers a trip to McDonald's a night out.
You feel guilty when you watch Monday Night Football.
At least two of your salad bowls are at the homes of neighbors.
There is a similarity between a ward basketball game and the L.A. riots.
You think Jack Daniels is a country western singer.
You negotiate prices at a garage sale.
You can make Jell-O salad without the recipe.
You've heard about BYU football in a testimony meeting.
You have two gallons of ice cream in your freezer at all times.
Your father-in-law thinks Ronald Reagan was a liberal.
A member of your family wrote in Lavell Edwards for president in the last election.
Sandals are the best-selling shoes.
Hotel rooms all have the Book of Mormon.
You buy your wardrobe at the local grocery superstore.
You learn about the Mormon Church by taking history in elementary school.
You live in a state where Democrats always come in third place, unless a zoo animal is running. Then they come in fourth.
Schools stay open, even if two feet of snow falls overnight, but closes for the opening of hunting season.
People wear shorts and T-shirts if the temperature rises above 32 degrees.
There is a church on every corner, but they all teach the same thing.
In-state college football rivalries are bigger than the Super Bowl.
Every driveway has a minivan and a pickup truck.
When you buy a new vehicle, cigarette lighters are optional equipment but ski racks are standard.
Every time a new family moves into your neighborhood, the local elementary school has to hire a new teacher.
Every time a new family moves into your neighborhood, your whole family has to go and meet them the next day, after you helped them unload their moving truck.
Your paycheck has an additional 10 percent deduction.
More movies are filmed in your town than in Hollywood.
You've never had a Mormon missionary knock on your door, unless you are having them over for dinner that night.
You make a toast with red punch at your wedding reception.
You have more raw wheat stored than some Third World countries.
Your idea of a good time is playing Pictionary in the cultural hall.
Your idea of a wild party is a six pack of Pepsi and a PG-13 movie.
You and all your friends come to your mother for a haircut in her kitchen.
You measure Kool-Aid by parts per million.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
14ft Deep Thoughts =)
I digress.
The world is full of intelligent things. This list is part of the mission to support the other parts of the world. Can you answer these? Don't think too hard.
Can you cry under water?
How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. . but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?
Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They' re both dogs!
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?
Now, you'll get a shiny star sticker from Tori if you can answer this: Why does a round pizza come in a square box?!?
Mind boggling, aint it?
rock on.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
September 3rd
hahaha! I'm 14! bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
None of you guys are!
Life has just begun.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Talent of a 14-year-old-to-be
Happy Birthday Elisa!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Boredom of a 14-year-old-to-be
as bored as one can be.
oh I'm bored.
lack of contacts make it hard to see.
and I'm bored.
oh I'm bored.
oh so bored.
(Maybe I wouldn't be so bored if I did my homework? Naah...I'll do it before Seminary on Monday. =P)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wisdom of a 14-year-old-to-be
When you have more friends than enemies, you're as popular as you ever need to be.
When someone cares enough to say "hi" back, you'll never be worthless.
When you want someone to be your friend that isn't, they probably have a problem that you can't solve. Don't try to.
When people do something the know is wrong, or even talk about doing it, they blame others in weird ways to make them look better.
When someone says that you mean everything to them, watch how their actions to find out just how sincere they are.
When you find out who you are, you'll be all you can be.
One more thing.
"One who waits for roast duck to fly to their mouth, must wait a very long time."
Have you called Jenny yet? Rock on.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
HAIRSPRAY!!!! (...again...)
Who never understood
I never looked inside myself
Though on the outside, i looked good!
Then we met and you made me
The man i am today
Tracy, i'm in love with you
No matter what you weigh
Without love
Life is uke the seasons with
No summer
Without love
Life is rock 'n' roll without
A drummer
Tracy, i'll be yours forever
'Cause 1 never wanna be
Without love
Tracy, never set me free
No, i ain't lyin'
Never set me free, Tracy,
No, no, no!!
Once i was a simple girl
Then stardom came to me
But i was still a nothing
Though a thousand fans may
Fame was just a prison
Signing autographs a bore
I didn't have a clue
'Til you came banging on my door
That without love
Life is like my dad without his bromo
Without love
Life is making out with perry como!
Darling, i'll be yours forever
'Cause i never wanna be
Without love
So darling, throw away the key
I'm yours forever
Throw away the key
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Living in the ghetto
Black is everywhere ya go
Who'd 've thought i'd love a girl
With skin as white as winter's snow
In my ivory tower
Life was just a hostess snack
But now i've tasted chocolate
And i'm never going back
'Cause without love
Life is like a beat that you can't follow
Without love
Life is doris day at the apollo
Darling, i'll be yours forever
'Cause i never wanna be
Without love
So darling, never set me free
I'm yours forever
Never set me free
No, no, no!
If you're locked up in this prison, trace
I don't know what i'll do
Link, i've got to break out
So that i can get my hands on you
And girl, if i can't touch you
Now i'm gonna lose control
Seaweed, you're my black white knight
I've found my blue-eyed soul
Sweet freedom is our goal
Trace, i wanna kiss ya!
Then i can't wait for parole!
(Link & Seaweed break their girls out of their respective prisons
and continue singing... of course)
'Cause without love
Life is like a prom that won't invite us
Without love
Life's getting my big break and laryngitis
Without love
Life's a '45' when you can't buy it
Without love
Life is like my mother on a diet
Like a week that's only mondays
Only ice cream never sundaes
Like a circle with no center
Like a door marked "do not enter!"
'Cause 1 never wanna be...
Without love
Ys now you've captured me
Without love
I surrender happily
Without love
Oh seaweed
Never set me free
No, no, no
No, i ain't lyin'
Never set me free
No, no, no
No, i dont wanna live without
Love, love, love
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Darling, you had best believe me,
Never leave me without love!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Concrete Girl
Cracking boulder
Don't fall over
Fake your laughter
Burn the tear
Sing it louder
Twist and shout
Way up here
We stand on shoulders
Growing colder
Laugh or cry
I won't mind
Sing it louder
Twist and shout
Immovable shadows
The concrete girl
Will rock your world
To nothing
And they're swimming around again, again
And they're swimming around
The concrete girl
Catch your breath like four-leaf clover
Hand it over
Scream to no one
Take your time
Sing it louder
Twist and shout
Nothing to run from is worse than something
And all your fears of nothing
And they're swimming around again, again
And they're swimming around
The concrete girl
Concrete girl don't fall down
In this broken world around you
Concrete girl don't fall down
Don't fall down my concrete girl
Don't stop thinking
Don't stop feeling now
One step away from where we were
And one step back to nothing
Concrete girl
Concrete girl don't fall down in this broken world around you
Concrete girl don't fall down
Don't fall down my concrete girl
Concrete girl don't fall down
Don't break down my concrete girl
Sunday, July 29, 2007
July 30th 2007 9:45am
But I want to blog.
I must be addicted.
I still have no idea what to blog about...
Life is funny isn't it?
Ahh, what the heck,
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
cuz life's like this
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Rockin' Climbing
Thursday, July 12, 2007
hahaha! ;)
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Far away
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Happiness in 10 easy steps:
5. D.I.
6. Ross
Friday, June 29, 2007
High School Musical

Friday, June 22, 2007
Nebraska Ho!
Here are the main things on my mind right now:
1. depression-derek is gone and the rest of the family is leaving before I get back.
2. delight-I'll get to SHOP, see my cousins, friends, and horses
3. desperation-what am I going to do without madison for a month?!? :)
Mostly desperate, but considerably worried as well, as to how I'm going to finish packing if I spend all of my time here talking about it. The thing is, blogging happens to be a little more addicting and enjoyable, as people like taylor can relate I'm sure... =P
On a different, but related note, I just watched the movie, "Love's Abiding Joy" yesterday, and I recommend it. It is set in the "little house on the prairie" time. In fact it is directed by "Pa" :D It has a beautiful message, it has a cute guy, and "rain scene" in it. And no, that isn't the only reason I like it. Anyways, little house fans should definitely check it out. It's worth two bucks at blockbuster.
I better go pack...keep those sock on, I'll be there soon enough to knock 'em off...
yeah, ok, whatever ;)
Friday, June 15, 2007

I knew lyrics were coming soon...:d
I'll be leaving soon,
but I believe in you
I'll find a way to make it feel alright,
the long days and longer nights this can be ok
Just promise me it's everything,
just promise me
Just promise me it's everything,
I'll do the same
Cause when the days are getting colder
I miss you most
I'm stuck out in a rainstorm,
but you're my coat to keep me safe,
to keep me warm
cause without you I'm just stuck in the storm
just breathe out a little bit,
I'll be there soon
I'm there for you too
Just fly a flag a little bit,
we'll be okay
Cause when the days are getting colder
I miss you most I'm stuck out in a rainstorm,
but you're my coat to keep me safe,
to keep me warm
cause without you I'm just stuck in the storm
and the days are getting colder,
I miss you more then I ever did or ever could before
just open up
This is an "I can touch my tongue to my nose! Can you?" smiley: :d
Or nothing.
Because you uploaded a picture and then you accidently delete it and you are to lazy to load it again because your computer is slow and it wasn't that great of a picture anyways and you can't undo. So then you decide that you better use this space somehow anyway, but you can't think of anything except that summer is boring and so are saterdays. and I know that I spelled saturday wrong...but frankly, I don't care.
I guess i'll just have to tell you about the picture, cuz man it was awesome. It was on google images cuz I mean, where else do people get pictures? and so yeah. It was really yum looking ice cream. You should've seen it.
Officially gone.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Congraduations: Most Female Athlete
But it was worth it.
I graduated from the 8th grade last night. With honors! haha I was the "most female athlete" That's right! Not the best, but the most. What can I say, I'm ALL girl. ;) I actually felt like I was graduating from cooking school. Though I didn't have it as bad as Levi, who looked like a french cook with his moustache and a little too short gown...those caps (round puffy chef hats) and gowns (Irish pilgrim dresses) were pretty bad. But I guess that made it all the more fun. I had about 50 leis painstakingly pulled over my enormous hat by the end, and for the first time, I felt a sadness that school was over. Being a home school geek all my life, I hadn't ever really felt that feeling of leaving classmates. Now a LISS geek, I had to deal with a little more of that. It's kinda like the feeling after you've been in a play. You got through something with amazing people that could get a little trying sometimes. I always thought 8th grade graduation was kinda pointless, growing up in a country that normally doesn't celebrate it, but despite the silly string in my hair, (at least I didn't eat it in hopes that it was whipped cream like Maryana did) I'm glad I had it. Thanks to everyone who came! GO TIGERS!!
I'm officially a freshy now! Ready world? WOOHOO!
rock on!
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Normally weird
Most of their lives people joke about how they sing off-key, how they are really bad at math, how they are the worlds biggest geeks, how they are over-weight, or even sometimes how they are the worlds biggest geeks. But this is all just joking around, right? Well, I have a theory...(all heads lean in, and stroke their chins thoughtfully) you are what you eat, and you are what you stereotype yourself to be. For example: If you tell your friend (we'll call him James for our purposes) that he is always late for class and he is great at basketball, James will feel like he is obligated to be the one that makes the final shot in the basket ball game, or obligated to come a little late to class from that point on. Because, deep down inside, all of us just want to be normal and fit in...All of us want to have a "thing". Sometimes peoples "thing" is to not want to have a thing, but regardless, we all want one, and usually make them from what people say about us.
Now, just for Skylar, define "normal"
While you're at it, define "a thing" and "fit in"
And do it without thinking too hard.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
things change
As taylor said on sunday, her reasons for missing them are entirely selfish...I think she has a point there.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
fantasies and little blue boxes
I could barely glimpse the love like you have shown
I'm not sure I'll ever see
why you've given all this love you have to me.
cuz I'd have given all i have
volenteered for any task
just to feel the love like yours
but I never had to ask
you were there when everyone was gone
led me to a lovely place where I belong
even though I never said a word
was there something in my aching heart you heard?
and I'd have begged to owe my life
on my knees and broken glass
for these moments in your light
but I never had to ask
it's almost like your mind can read my heart
and your listeniing to my secret prayer
even when I'm lost if we're apart
I'll feel your love like you're near
I've questioned all my life
if a love can last
since you've now emcompassed me
I will never have to ask
When it seems like all of your fantasies are becoming reality, it is then that your dreams have to be crushed and you know that your perfect life was not meant to be. That's when out from the ashes, the most spectacular thing in the whole wide world happens, and everything you lost you gain back with even more.
I look at my torn feet and ask, was it worth it?
I see the stains on your shirt
and the marks on mine and I wonder, was it worth it?
I watch you're light, and feel you're honesty
and I know
it was worth it.
every last bit.
Is it possible for a perfect life to get ten times more perfect?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
addicted to conflict

What a strange world we live in. insane more like. but what would we be without the trauma and chaos? Nothing. A big nothingness blob. crazy, huh? We all thrive on conflict. Everything we enjoy involves conflict. Movies, friendships, and the stories we read and write…all the plots are based around conflict. We listen to sad songs, we love getting scared, we laugh when others get hurt or embarass themselves. Talk about strange! Nothing on this planet is consistent, nothing is perfect, yet we all think that somehow, the third time we try we’ll get just what the doctor ordered. We fail embarrassingly only to remember that of course perfection is impossible.
Risk leads to loss. Hope leads to tears.
50% of the time.
No patterns. No maps. Only a song in your head and a prayer in your heart will keep you alive.
That global warming presentation must be getting to my head…;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
One darn clean window
Tikla slammed nose first into the door. After a short pause...
mom:: that's one clean window, tori...
tikla:: *opened it properly, walked through, and promptly slumped down in the usual prayer and scripture study position*
me:: in hysterics with laughter
Tikla may have been too tired to see the humor in the situation, or maybe she was in some pain, but I could not stop laughing, mostly because it could've easily have been me that rammed into the door...the joys of having a sister. or two. starr has leaped into that same door. Have you seen me crashing into things? never, right? I guess I'm brunette at the roots. ;)
Another thing I gained from this delightful experience is the answer to the big question of life, "What are you gonna be when you grow up?":
I think I'm going to wash windows. but that's only if minimum wage increases.
rock on.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I really am still here
I found the pieces in my hand
They were always there
It just took some time for me to understand
You gave me words I just can't say
So if nothing else
I'll just hold on while you drift away
Cause everything you wanted me to hide
Is everything that makes me feel alive
The cities grow
The rivers flow
Where you are, I'll never know
But I'm still here
If you were right and I was wrong
Why are you the one who's gone
And I'm still here
Still here
Seeing the ashes in my heart
The smile the widest
When I cry inside and my insides blow apart
I tried to wear another face
Just to make you proud
Just to make you put me in my place
But everything you wanted from me
Is everything that I could never be
The cities grow
The rivers flow
Where you are, I'll never know
But I'm still here
If you were right and I was wrong
Why are you the one who's gone
And I'm still here
Maybe tonight
It's gonna be alright
I will get better
Maybe today
It's gonna be okay
I will remember
I held the pieces of my soul
I was shattered and I wanted you to come and make me whole
When I saw you yesterday
But you didn't notice
And you just walked away
Cause everything you wanted me to hide
Is everything that makes me feel alive
The cities grow
The rivers flow
Where you are, I'll never know
But I'm still here
If you were right and I was wrong
Why are you the one who's gone
And I'm still here
The lights go out, the bridges burn
Once you're gone, you can't return
But I'm still here
Remember how you used to say I'd be the one to runaway
But I'm still here
Salty Dreams
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Corn, fans, butter, and the such like...
wow. I'm leaving now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
I *heart* life!

Life is a gift...every breath we take is a gift. We all have the power to make the decision to either live a 100% life or just to float along, allowing influences to control our lives.
There is no right or wrong way of living this wondrous journey, but if we can live it the best possible way we can, enjoying everything around us...being in "this moment" constantly growing and learning, appreciating and loving, we would be much richer for it.
Here are some amazing life quotes::
Life is a progress, and not a station
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is just a chance to grow a soul.
Powell Davies
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life.
Immanuel Kant
Where there is love there is life.
Mohandas K. Gandhi
Life is a succession of lessons, which must be lived to be understood.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Robert Byrne
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
Victor Hugo
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
Annie Dillard
How you live one day is eventually how you live your life.
Phillip Yancey
The measure of life, after all, is not it’s duration but it’s donation.
Corrie Ten Boom
rock on.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The real thing
Friday, May 4, 2007
Good stuff
If I could change the currents of our lives
To make the river flow where it's run dry
To be a prodigal of father time
Then I would see you tonight
If I could find the years that went away
Destroying all the cruelty of fate
I must believe that love could find a way
Lonely finds me
One day you will come
But I'll wait for love's sake
One day to be loved
If I could see beyond the here and now
If you could hear me calling you somehow
If I could know that love is reaching out
To find you with me tonight
Then hope could make these promises come true
Beyond what I could say, what love can do
With every moment leading me to you tonight
Lonely finds me
One day you will come
But I'll wait for love's sake
One day to be loved
I will stay forever here to wait for your love
If I could change the currents of our lives
To make the river flow where it's run dry
To be a prodigal of father time
Then I would see you tonight
Lonely finds me
One day you will come
But I'll wait for love's sake
One day to be loved
Black and White

The lie:: I was bored, and seriously craving, let's just say froot loops, so I destroyed all of my mothers most valuable possessions, because we all know that is the only way to get froot loops. I turned off my air-con just to make me more angry, and tore down all of the things on the walls of my room. After all of that, I didn't feel like hanging out with people, especially ones dressed in colors so opposite of my prized froot loops, because as jake reminds me daily, I am thoroughly depressed.
The truth:: it's 9:48. I am sitting at home in a stunning outfit I whipped up a couple of hours ago. tikla and skylar are at madison and maryana's black and white party. I guess mom is right, I need a little regrouping time. time to think about what my science project is going to be. My mom felt sorry for me (I'm guessing) because usually I'm not allowed on the computer, though this is a time where I'd rather be somewhere else. But really, I think the real reason I am here is because, they the parents, wanted to go out tonight, so they needed a baby-sitter. It may be a good thing though. It's been a while since I've read bedtimes stories to my siblings. Besides, deep down inside we all love 4 little (I say little, but the quality of their voice projection is amazing...) kids screaming and running laps around you while asking pointless questions, and chewing their dinner with their mouths open. They are quite the talented bunch. They happen to be related directly to me...;)

It's hard to believe that a mere fifteen years ago, you two looked more or less like this...Happy birthday madison and maryana! and many more.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Be still my heart
Back to reality--
I'm not talking about rain anymore, so you can pay attention now. Even though I don't have much to say. :) well, it's 7:19pm. skylar made dinner tonight, and it smells REALLY good. Or maybe that's just because I just finished judo, so anything sounds good. I have so many projects due next week. I wish my teachers would assign them with earlier deadlines. they know we aren't going to start them until the last moment either way. Now I'm beginning to wonder what's worse, the school year ending and all of the finals and junk, or starting 9th grade next year. They are both gonna happen. I don't have much choice in the matter so I guess it doesn't matter which one is worse. I'm not used to normal school, not that it's harder, in fact at times it is easier, but it's still weird sitting at a desk, lugging home textbooks, being tardy...and the big projects I mentioned earlier. But I'm getting a hang of this "school thing." I really am! :D I would ask for pointers on the subject, but I'm thinking madison, taylor, and caroline, aren't much help there. ;) Just from what I've heard.
and seen. ;)
Well, the time of farewell is at hand. Parting with such sweet sorrow.
My spaghetti awaits!
PS I just figured out the spell check option. :) Pretty spiffy!
PPS Thought for the day: "Most people spend their whole life fighting to earn what eventually becomes their downfall." I just realized that this could be happening to me...;) I teach myself great things on here. hahaha...officially gone.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Oh, what wisdom
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
It's about time

I was spinning circles
chasing shadows
haunted by the ghost of a chance
that you might want me.
Now I can't tell
I fooled myself
and chose someone else
to play the part that I can't be.
I went to far
fell to fast to stop
and handed you my heart
just to see you drop it.
I loved where now I ache
nothing like a burn
snap me awake to a fresh start
I won't break apart again.
Tick-tock start the clock anew
knock that pedestal
out from beneath you
and get you off my mind,
it's about time.
I saw you as a trophy
I was set on winning.
You changed the game
bent the rules
and shot down my pride.
I've gone without you this long
even if I had won
the shine would probably hurt my eyes
and I've been blind
wanting what I see not knowing
what's behind your charm
now the truth is showing...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Simply Charming (or not...)

A wolf in sheep's clothing.
A rusty knight in shinning armor.
A jar labeled 'delicious' that expired 3 years ago.
Confusion is following me around in the strangest forms. I never know what to think, I never know what to believe. So I choose not to think, and spend my time here...:)
People are so hard to get along with. The natural man is completely self-centered. Sometimes I wish we didn't have so many complicated emotions. You can never tell what a person is really feeling, unless they tell you and even then you can't be sure...especially when guys start acting like girls. Life can get even more confusing. Yes, that is possible. I wish I could have everyone in my life stand up and say how they feel about me. That way I'm not in this struggle to decipher what I should do and how I should act for different people. At this time, I don't care if the whole world hates me...I just want to know what people really think. The same people that I think are out to get me, use me, and hate my guts, will surprise me with something so opposite that it makes me wonder again...this life is so confusing. I guess it's supposed to be. Slowly, I'm hoping, things will unroll and there will be no more gray, just black and white. So that we can be so sure if something is to be, or not to be.
rock on.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Simply Wearing

I spent this morning trying to explain what "halfbrokentoaster" means to some ESL students at LISS, and how it's kind of like another name for me. I'm pretty sure I only succeeded in making them think that I have crazy parents who believe in giving their children several names...I also had to explain the meaning of 'rock on' and explain that 'rock off' doesn't mean anything. My friend, her name is So Young :D, got a huge grin on her face and said, "I made up an English word!" Now every time I say rock on, she'll respond with "rock off!" ahhhhh, what the heck...I'll save "sockrocker" for a different day.
Tori's random, but absolutely accurately correct thought for the day:
"Girls are so winning the cook-off tonight!"
(You can't get much better then accurately correct, I mean when things are accurately false, then you have trouble...;)
Monday, April 16, 2007
Simply Here

I love music. and I love Elisa. you know, in the sister way...hahaha. I like finding someone that wants the same things as you. This whole 'band thing' may be exceptionally immature and lame, but it dosen't really have anything to do with being a part of something, performing, or becoming famous...(not to point it's about music. So the latest name is 'simply here'. I'm leaning towards no name at all. I just want to be simply simple...;) and if it involves hanging with friends so much the better.
It's about time I confessed something. It's been a while...:P I started thinking about growing up. Most likely because I'm going to have to deal with Tikla growing up too fast, and I started stressing over what I'm going to major in, if I'm going to go on a mission...etc. I felt at least 17, and I was just about to start packing my bags to set them next to tikla's, that's when I kinda slapped myself in the face and told myself to go do something immature and more my age. So I made some faces in the mirror, wrote down everything I was feeling, thought about how much I loved being a beehive :D, and called up elisa to tell her when our next 'band practice' was going to be. Life is a lot more rockin' when you enjoy what you got. How about we call that 'tori's thought for the day'? Works for me.
"Life is a lot more rockin' when you enjoy what you got."
For a second there I was ready to go to BYU-(not sure which one yet...haha)with tikla, but now I don't know exactly how, or why, but for now I'm simply here, but more importantly I'm here and happy!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Simply Beautiful

Alright. I have been lieing. sorta. All of the sudden I don't want to turn 14. that may sound so contradicting but, seriously. i'm scared to grow up and have to be a yucky mia maid grandma, then go to college and stuff. after you grow up there's no going back. and another thing I want to clear up...rain. It is amazing and all that, lol, but it's not my total passion. Although usually it looks like it is because I have a boring life and i sit around looking outside all day so thats all I notice...j/k
I just thought I'd clear those two things up...:)I have not been trying to be some obsessive, immature, pre-teen. :D Wait a minute...too late. oh well. no need to cry over spilled milk. ;)
Tori's thought for the day: "Only geeks go to geek dances..." (that means you rock madison! ;)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Lake Victoria
So I was in the cool tent, right? Belle's Bubblicious Babalati's. Not to be confused with Babalti. We won best cheer, and everything was going just peachy until the last night. Even then, it started out dreamy. It was raining and the babalati's were out on the rocks by the ocean. Later, we were back in our tent being weird, playing Finally, we all got somewhat comfortable. Once we were in a half sleep, Tamara sits up and says, "There's a rat in here!" We don't really believe her until she starts explaining how it crawled over her. Jenny walks in from after being outside and we tell her about the rat. She thinks we were just trying to scare her, until she steps down next to Myana and we hear this squeak. Jenny goes crazy screaming and Maryana and Madison grab onto me. All of the sudden everyone is wide awake, and scrambling out of the tent screaming like some pathetic evacuation. When we are all out of the tent and Myana's hair is out of Maryana's hand and back where is should be, someone suggests that we got get the priesthood to help us. Poor sleepy Leimson picked up every single wet soggy pile of junk in our tent searching for our rat. The police came too, perhaps they heard our screams as well. We had to tear Jenny and Myana away from them actually. I, myself was not that captivated.
Back in the tent, everyone refused to sleep in the now classified: "rat tent" So we all five slept in the the even more multilated tent, that was missing poles and it had "BENSON" written on it. That explains a lot. So in the other tent, madison legs were sticking to mine, because we were both trying to avoid a puddle forming at our feet later named, Lake Victoria. lol I was back to back with Jenny, and Myana was literally on top of Maryana. It was some of the most miserable, cramped, night of my life. My scriptures, camp manual, any clean dry clothes I had left, and my uke, were completely wet and dripping.
Oh yeah, Go babalati's!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Trauma in an already chaotic life
Now sit for a moment and imagine this. Me, staring down the drain with a pathetic expression, longing for my well-earned reward...Alright. now stop thinking about that. Real fast. ;) Now, as i would, i started thinking about how that mistreated hair pin, may have been relieved to go. Maybe it felt that it's time was right. i could've helped it out. Perhaps it was sitting, all twisted, waiting for someone to take it out of its misery. Maybe it needed to break away from its current art bin enviroment, to bigger and better places. Maybe when hair pins turn 14 they get to go down 'the drain'. Upon thinking these thoughts, I concluded two things: 1. I'm good at making myself feel better when I make stupid mistakes, and 2. I'm completely insane.
After i had exhausted my mind with such intense thinking, i started out on the journey to find a replacement pin. No, I did not start chucking all of my hair pins down the drain, because when I found a whole stash of them under 'the hair box' 5 minutes later, I knew they were still happy where they were. :) They had already learned that going down 'the drain' wasn't all that. They too once moped in art bins, waiting...
It was at this time that i quickly decided that the reason I couldn't hold on to hair pins was not fate, but merely lack of sleep. I set my alarm for 9:45 and took a little nap...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Just for Terk

Terk is offically the rockin'est (great word? yeah i know, right) character ever to be displayed on disney. For those of you that don't listen to Tarzan in one ear, and songs about rain in the other every day after school waiting for tikla to take you home, Terk is the sarcastic, side kick of Tarzan. He is hilarious. All these kid movies that I watched when I were younger, I grew out of before I could fully understand some of the humor. now they're so fresh and new again. They just don't make good movies anymore...wait. no. can i take that back? 'Bridge to Tarabithia' beats Tarzan by a little more than an elephant hair. ;) Ahhhh...what I need right now is to drown in some nice, cool, blue, wet, pourin', rain. (im not in the mood for creative adjectives)
The sun just shone a little brighter.
Oh how it mocks.
How disgusting...though not as disgusting as my nasty, wet, sweat filled, just-finished-Judo, hair. It is so beautiful I can hardly stop staring at it. Although i must say, terk's hairdo is right up there too. Nah, I think I've got the edge...He's pulling a close 2nd place. :P
i have a confession to make. And here it is. I was halfway through writing a negative, grumpy, post, and then i read caroline's latest post about being happy and i kinda had to start over with terk, and remind myself to stop being a jerk. whoa! unintentional rhymes happening! I better stop soon. :S
I know you've been waiting for this.--Tor's thought for the day: "Never sit by madison at firesides about BYU-H unless you have already experienced the unexpected sensation of having your elbow 'milked'." (It'd be best not to inquire...=)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The good, the bad, and the terrible
Alright, alright, alright, so I gave up trying to tell tik and sky that I didn't want to go. Even when I heard what the theme was. *ahem* Being 13 is annoying. Just in case nobody knew that yet. Only 159 more days. Oh well. No need to cry about things that you can't change. You know like age, and spilled milk. Whatever. A while ago I read this thing in my math textbook (you know, light reading;) that I thought you might enjoy, if not as much as I did, at least a little. The chapter heading is: Transforming Quadratic Functions. Then below it it says: "Why learn this?" (my question exactly) it proceeds to answer itself: "You can compare how long it takes raindrops to reach the ground from different heights." Yipee! Honestly, can that really be considered practical application? I mean, I've always wanted to compare raindrops and everything...Hey, that's it! During the dance, I'll stay home and measure raindrops! ugh...I hate math. While I'm at it I hate athens greece, homework, CPR, and cute people... you know what I realized? i'm totally pro at crying over spilled milk. Maybe if I stop pouring milk I wouldn't have to worry about it spilling.
Now, before I go to my glorious math class, I'd like to leave you drowning in my deepness, basking in my wisdom, and wanting more.
Tori's thought fer the day: "Don't even buy milk, you might just pour it, and then you might spill it, and have something to cry about."
Deeeep. And now Dooone.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Short, sweet, but really no point.
No going back now.
Tori's thought for the day: "Stupidity, obviously is never enough. One always needs a way to show it to the world."
Beautiful. And so true. :D
To whom it may concern: In my desperate atempts to have a "thing" that's just me, I concocted something no one else would ever have or want for themselves, and dubed myself 'the girl who rocks your socks' Over the last few years, or rather, months, that I have been a 13ager, I have been self-dubed 'burnt toast' among other bizarre phrases. So, my idenity is continually changing. I just thought I'd can get confusing.
Now I am waiting for my muse to come and whisper in my ear. It seems he is already on spring break. :)
I guess this is my first post.