Monday, December 31, 2007


should I pierce my ears?

it's 2008!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just one of those random songs that I LOVE for a while :)

We keep our love in a plain brown box
We keep it tied with a simple lock
We hold it close 'cause it's all we got
We think it's ordinary but it's not

In a world that's starting to fade
A little love could pave the way
Don't keep it tied with the simple lock
You think it's ordinary but it's not

Maybe this life is just about love and tenderness
If all we are are shooting stars
Maybe we, we can fight
All of this pain and loneliness if
All we are are shooting stars

Tired of hearing 'bout the bling-bling
We're so concered with material things
It's all cars and diamond rings
And do you think it's gonna to ease your sting
Cause that's a hole that you can't fill
Velvet rope overkill
Free your mind let your heart sing
And just remember that they're only things

Maybe this life is just about love and tenderness
If all we are are shooting stars
Maybe we, we can fight
All of this pain and loneliness if
All we are are shooting stars

I used to live by the minute
I was too blind to see
Now I've found the strength to admit it
Now it's all I believe

Friday, December 21, 2007

Where are you Christmas?

Every year I try to make christmas be an amazing experience for my siblings, and try to keep them believing as long as possible. Every year I try to continue silly traditions and keep a perfect balance of santa's presents and Jesus' birth. Some of my family members enjoy doing exactly opposite of what I'd like to see happen, (I won't say who...;) and frustrates the heck out of me! Christmas is supposed to be really special, and it's hard, especially on a tropical island, to make it a separate sort of time. Something is different this year, and I can't decide what it is. Maybe its because Tikla isn't here? That could be part of it. Maybe I need to be more giving...:P Selflessness can work wonders on the rare occasions that I practice it. Let's let Christmas be one of those occasions.
Speaking of Christmas, my dad wrote an editorial for the newspaper and I thought I'd share it here:

A Season of Faithfulness

Surely, it is appropriate to wish faithfulness to spouse for all during this holiday season. I deeply respect the individual who, like my own father, proves loyal to his/her spouse to the end. I raise my hat to those who have committed related mistakes but have made things right and have permanently changed their ways, especially when genuine contrition accompanies the change. My father successfully taught me to worry more about what God thinks about my mistakes than what people might feel or say. Marriage is special not only because it is a covenant made with a person, but also because it is made before God. We promise that we will be true even when it gets bad. Barring obvious abuse, we vow to hang in there and help each other with problems. We know that it is not supposed to be easy and we keep our vows. “I fell out of love” is among the poorest excuses for breaking this covenant. Love should never be something that we hope will keep somehow happening to us; it is something that we need to keep doing. With this in mind, “I fell out of love” becomes an admission of guilt, not something that our partner is or isn't. I keep hearing stories of waste and heartbreak that occur because of the breaking of this covenant. If we don't believe wedlock involves a promise to God, then let's not mock and pretend it does at the time of marriage. My holiday wish to all is that we strengthen our commitment to the promises we make at marriage. If it means caring more about what God thinks of us, then let it be so. If it means simply being true to promises we make, then let that be the reason. However we do it, let's take control of our lives and make our short season on Earth a faithful one.

Dr. E. Roland Brown
Dandan, Saipan

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I fell out of the blogger loop there for a bit

First let me blame scrooge. ugh! At least it's over. ok, now let me blame school, and my trip to korea that I didn't realize was so involved. (rolls eyes) It's slowly becoming less and less of a vacation. :S

Now I appoligize, but I'm scared to say it will never happen again. :P
It will.
I'm sure everyone can relate to forgetting about things, and a blog is one of the worst things to neglect, ever! Cuz it's, like, sooooooo important!
Well, so is family, and so is decorating your shoes for Seminary christmas shoe day! :D It's interesting to watch what I naturally put first if i dont make any sort of plan (which I never do...): Stay up and read Ella Enchanted for the 1789th time, or sleep so that I can wake up for seminary? Ella, all the way! Finish my geometery homework, or listen to music while I blog? BLOG! Clean my room or die of boredom? BOREDOM!
Such is life.
In between play rehearsals and cookie baking/delivering, I managed to have the time to sit back and realize that some wierd, wired, weird, and werid, things are happening:
-the twins are 8, and therefore are getting baptized and joining cub scouts and etc. (when I was their age I was SO old. Slightly scary how old that makes me feel now.)
-there are only 6 more days until Christmas! :D AHHH! better start shopping people! :S
-next semester I'm planning on taking classes at NMC (aka nothern marianas COLLEGE)
-our family will celebrate christmas without tikla, and with an additional 4 koreans
-starr bought the same thing for herself at dolphin yesterday that I bought for her for christmas! :S:S:S:S
-I'm not quite sure, but I'm under the impression that I will be singing in several different places songs I may not have practiced more than once. (p.s. when and where is that youth choir thing?!?)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Carrie Enchanted

the best movie of the month, and the best singer of the year! I thought it was a cute idea...;)