Monday, January 28, 2008


Sometimes when you expect things, they don't happen. Other times, when you least expect them, they do. So it was when I heard that the prophet of the LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away. We'll miss his example, his wit, and his impenetrable optimism.

He's now back with his sweetheart Marjorie. Tears of sorrow at being apart from his best friend have now transformed themselves into tears of joy. So, I should be happy for Gordon Hinckley, and celebrate that he has written the final chapter of a life excellently lived.

But I'm selfishly going to miss him. He's the prophet I used to sing about in primary...and he wasn't even 100 yet. :'(


Anonymous said...

You're not being selfish in missing him . . . I think he misses all of us, too. Understand?
Few souls have loved as he loved, and when he said he loved us, we knew it was genuine. For those who knew him for who he was, would not miss being loved without condition.
He loved as the Father and Son love, and that's a love that is so hard to find.

Tori said...

Thank you. I guess it's okay to miss him then...He was and is an amazing prophet of God.

taylor elaine said...

i miss him too.

Anonymous said...

can u send the recipe.

Tori said...

i sent it!