Monday, March 9, 2009

oh how it mocks me.

In Tori's world, or in the spectacular musical based on my life, (whichever comes first...:P), I will have quite a bit to say about the weather. When I want to be emo, the sky will cloud up and cast a shadow over all happiness. When I feel like skipping through meadows of wildflowers, rolling down grassy hills, and laughing until I cry, the sun will light up, the sky will clear, and grassy meadows will appear. :D When I want to rage, scream, curse, and blame, lightning and thunder will commence and the winds will storm along with me. When I feel dirty, the rain will come clean me. When I feel lonely, I'll catch a warm breeze. When I feel like flying, the wind will get going reeeal fast and....

Ahh, that'd be awesome. :)


Unknown said...

I think we all wish for that.
I certainly do.

Tori said...

Yeah. Oh by the way, I don't recommend rolling down Jake's driveway. Lol.

Unknown said...

You did it without me? Y-Y

Tori said...

Yeah, but our new house has an awesome driveway. A good star-gazing driveway. :D