Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's that time of year again

Time to lament the shedding of an age that I can never return to. :)
Hello eighteen! Can I believe that you're coming?
I feel ancient; like a withering branch with a wrinkly forehead and decrepit knees.

Honestly I'm getting pretty sentimental about leaving seventeen behind. As I look back on this year, I am so grateful for all of the wonderful things that happened.

-Homecoming with Ethan
-Being a part of Madrigals
-Meeting and falling in love with the cream of the crop at CHS
-Bus trips
-Grad Night
-Family Conference in Oregon
-Talks with mom
-Girl's nights with Murph, Jago, and Slim
-Harry Potter 7 part 2 and the celebrations associated with it
-Skylar's letters from his mish
-Tikla and Austin's boat trip visit
-A Mike-filled summer

Mike is the most amazing living being. I’m so grateful for his influence in my life and the experiences he’s had that have brought him to me. My heart is full. I can hardly construct sentences to express myself. The feeling I have when I'm around Mike encompasses the spiritual and the romantic. How can so much wisdom and light exist in one man? I want so much to be as good as I can possibly be. Maybe then I can deserve the arms of Michael John Snow. His testimony strengthens mine every time we talk. He is as good as it gets.

As we sat the other day at Costa Vida, talking, he started laughing out loud, harder than should be humanly possible, ;) I recorded the sound in my mind. I wanted to cry, remembering that he'll be gone soon. But at the same time, I'm eager for him to go because I'm excited for all the experiences he'll have! Besides, I know that even if we don't end up together, he, along with his laugh, will have been a part of my life. :)

"You know, we're not married..."

"We're NOT?!?"

So, I guess, Happy almost Birthday to me. :)
A celebration of an age reached and for once in my life, I feel it. Inside and out.

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