Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Simply Beautiful

Alright. I have been lieing. sorta. All of the sudden I don't want to turn 14. that may sound so contradicting but, seriously. i'm scared to grow up and have to be a yucky mia maid grandma, then go to college and stuff. after you grow up there's no going back. and another thing I want to clear up...rain. It is amazing and all that, lol, but it's not my total passion. Although usually it looks like it is because I have a boring life and i sit around looking outside all day so thats all I notice...j/k

I just thought I'd clear those two things up...:)I have not been trying to be some obsessive, immature, pre-teen. :D Wait a minute...too late. oh well. no need to cry over spilled milk. ;)

Tori's thought for the day: "Only geeks go to geek dances..." (that means you rock madison! ;)


Tikla said...

Hi, I'm Tik and this is my sis ;) Just wanted you to know I love you Tori!

Tori said...

jsut kidding madison! I heard you went! hahaha! You still mountain...;)

taylor elaine said...

yo tor--
an unnamed friend told me about the monkey on your account being "hyper"...nice to know that you are still relatively normal!!
luv ya!!!